Squid with Ouzo Fennel
Babs and Despinaki brought back a bottle of ouzo from Crete last
year and had forgotten about it. So when we also remembered we
had some baby squid in the freezer the combination was set. We
sliced a red onion and half a bulb of fennel (we used the other
half in our recipe). We put the fennel in a frying pan
first (knowing they would take longer to cook down than the onion).
We added a generous glug of the ouzo to the fennel and let them
soak it all up. Meanwhile we prepared our squid. We cut them into
rings and made a seasoned flour and chilli flake coating.
We coated the rings and teeny wee tentacles in the flour. In
the pan we added the red onion and more ouzo.
We ended up using half of the bottle of ouzo until the fennel
and onions were soft but not too coloured.
In another pan we heated some vegetable oil and shallow fried
the baby squid until crispy and drained it on some kitchen towel.
We served it with our boozy onions and fennel and some chopped
spring onions and fennel fronds for garnish. The fennel with its
strong aniseed flavour worked great with the ouzo.