Pears Poached
in Red Wine and Port
Babs and Despinaki were thinking ahead to Christmas and wondering
what delights we could come up with for dessert. We haven't really
done many desserts so this was the perfect opportunity to experiment.
We peeled 3 firm conference pears, being careful not to break
the stalks. For the cooking liquid we used and small bottle of
red wine, about the same amount of port, about a teaspoon of dried
ground cinnamon, 5 cloves and about 100g of demerara sugar. We
brought the liquid to the boil and added the pears and reduced
the heat to a gentle simmer.
We kept turning the pears to ensure they were evenly coated.
After about an hour we removed the pears and let them cool slightly.
We fished out the cloves and reduced the liquid to a sticky, dark
and very rich syrup. We served them warm with some of our .
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