Cook Nights Recipes and Cooking by Babs and Despinaki

  Mushroom Pate Recipe Cook Nights by Babs and Despinaki  


Mushroom Pate

We have loved every pate we have made and decided to adapt our basic chicken liver pate recipe and use dried mushrooms. We had a packet of dried mixed mushrooms - oyster, porcini, shitake - which we soaked in boiling water to rehydrate.

Mushroom PateMushroom PateMushroom Pate

We made the base of the pate with chicken livers, butter, onions and garlic.

Mushroom PateMushroom PateMushroom Pate

Once the chicken livers were cooked we drained the mushrooms and roughly chopped them and added them to the mixture.

Mushroom PateMushroom PateMushroom Pate

We then gave this mixture a blitz in the food processor adding more butter to help it solidify and seasoned to taste. We let it set in a mould and chill for an hour.

Mushroom PateMushroom PateMushroom Pate

We served this with melba toast and cherry tomatoes.

Mushroom Pate

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Cook Nights Recipes and Cooking by Babs and Despinaki