Leek Vol-au-vents
We had a go at making
a while ago and thought it was time to try them again.
We rolled out a packet of puff pastry to about the thickness
of a pound coin. We then cut it into discs and cut out the middle
of half the discs to make rings. We then put the rings on top
of the discs (sealing together with egg wash). We brushed over
the edges with some more egg wash and baked them in the oven for
about 15 mins, until golden and cooked. We then let them cool.
For the filling we sweated of some chopped leeks in a little
oil before adding some soft cheese (Philadelphia) and crumbling
in some Danish Blue. We then let the mixture cool slightly before
spooning it into the vol-au-vent cases. We put on their little
lids (the insides of the rings we cut out). And baked them in
the oven for a further 5 mins.