Ice Cream Cake
We decided to make this simple yet delicious recipe for one
of our Christmas desserts. We whipped a tub (300ml) of double
cream until thick and forming soft peaks. Then we chopped about
30g of dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids) very finely with a knife
so that it splinters.
We folded them into the cream, along with a tablespoon of cherry
liqueur. We crumbled about 8 meringue nests and folded these in
We lined a loaf tin with cling film, making sure to have enough
there to cover the top later. We packed the mixture into the tin
and pressed it down with a spatula. We covered it with the cling
film to seal it.
We froze it until solid, as we weren't going to serve it until
the next week. After our Christmas dinner we unwraped the cling
film, and tipped out the solid ice cream and simplt cut it into
slices using a large warmed knife. We served it with our and .