Canary Potatoes with Aioli
We love Canary Potatoes and wanted to serve them with our . We covered the base of a baking tray with table salt
and placed new potatoes on top.
We put the tray into a hot oven 190°C for about 25 mins (turning
every so often to cover the potatoes in the salt).
We let them rest and cool slightly for 2-3 mins which helps them
to crisp up.
For the aioli we put 1 tsp ground garlic in a bowl and separated
an egg yolk and added that to the bowl.
We whisked this thoroughly until smooth in consistency.
We then gradually added olive oil to the mixture whisking well.
We added a splash of lemon juice too.
It was wrist aching work, but well worth it. We were amazed at
the amount of aioli we got from one egg yolk and oil! We were
left with a smooth tasty sauce to accompany our salty and flavoursome