Broccoli & Stilton Soup
A lovely rich soup which satisfies our broccoli lust! We chopped
350g broccoli, 1 onion, 1 leek and a small potato. We then melted
25g of butter in a pan.
We then cooked the onion and leek until softened. Then added
the broccoli and potato.
We poured over 1 pint of chicken stock, covered the pan and let
it simmer for 15-20 minutes until the vegetables were all tender.
We let it cool slightly before blitzing it with a handheld blender.
Once smooth we put it back on the heat and added 300ml of milk
and 3 tablespoons of double cream.
We seasoned with a generous grinding of fresh black pepper and
crumbled in 115g of stilton. We stirred the soup until the cheese
had melted.
We served our soup with some small blanced broccoli florets and
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