Vegetable Tortellini & Creamy Sauce
We started off by making fresh pasta, but this time instead of
using salt we used Despinaki's Thyme, Lemon and Bay salt and also
when we bringing it to the final dough we added 1/2 tablespoon
of Greek extra virgin olive oil.
We portioned it into 4 balls and left to chill for 20 mins.
For our filling we finely chopped some leeks, chestnut mushrooms
and broccoli florets which we then sauteed until soft.
We seasoned with the Thyme salt and added a good dollop of black
pepper soft cream cheese, mixed well and left to cool.
We then rolled out our pasta which was lovely and silky because
of the oil.
We cut out approx 15 rounds and placed a small amount of filling
in each, we then folded over into half-moon shapes and twisted
the edges around our fingers to make a Tortellini shape.
We then put our Tortellini's in salted boiling water for 6 mins.
Meanwhile we heated some black pepper cream cheese in a pan and
added some chopped coriander and spring onion.
This made a lovely sauce to drizzle over our plump little tortellini's
which were served with a side portion of broccoli.