Haggis Scotch Eggs
Neither of us really likes typical scotch eggs with the insipid
looking cold hard boiled egg centres, but we did fancy trying
to make them with a runny yolk and seeing as it was Burns Night
again, we though haggis may be a tasty alternative to sausagemeat.
Well little did we know the challenge in store.
We bought 12 eggs (of varying sizes, our first hurdle), and ended
up using 10 of them. We wanted to boil the eggs until they were
solid enough to peel the shells but still had a runny yolk inside.
Well the ideal time for achieving this was not 30 secs, nor was
it a minute, for that matter even a minute and a half was nowhere
near enough! In the end we reckoned the successful eggs took just
over 2 minutes.
From the boiling water we plunged them into ice-cold water (to
stop the cooking process). Then painstakingly peeled off the shells
trying not to burst through the albumen.
We rolled out the haggis into small sheets to wrap round the
eggs, a tricky job that could have benefited from being mixed
with some oyster sauce to make it more pliable. But we managed
a few.

We then coated the eggs in flour, dipped them in beaten egg and
rolled them in breadcrumbs. We let them chill in the fridge for
20 mins before repeating the process.
We then deep fried the eggs for about 4 mins and put them in
a warm oven for a further 15 mins. Et voila!! Perfect haggis scotch
eggs with runny yolks.

We ran out of haggis so we did a few with sausagemeat too. They
were very tasty but we’re not sure if they were worth the
grey hairs and the tears of frustration.