Cook Nights Recipes and Cooking by Babs and Despinaki

  Scotch Bonnet Pate Recipe  


Scotch Bonnet Pate

We finely chopped up some chicken livers, an onion, a few garlic cloves and a whole scotch bonnet chilli. We melted 110g of butter in a pan over a medium heat.

Scotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate Recipe

We then added the onion, garlic and chilli and fried until softened, but not coloured.

Scotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate Recipe

We then added the chicken livers, stirring until the livers were golden brown and cooked through.

Scotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate Recipe

We added a good glug of brandy and seasoned well with salt and freshly ground black pepper. We let the mixture cool slightly before putting it into a food processor.

Scotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate Recipe

We added more butter and blended until smooth. Seasoned to taste, then put into small moulds and put into the fridge to chill and set.

Scotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate Recipe

We made some melba toast to go with the pate. We toasted 2 slices of bread on both sides before cutting them in half and toasting the insides. We served with our pate and a small side salad.

Scotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate RecipeScotch Bonnet Pate Recipe

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Cook Nights Recipes and Cooking by Babs and Despinaki