Pork Stir
Fry with Oyster Mushrooms
For this simple stir fry we sliced some green, red and yellow
pepper, oyster mushroom, leeks and pork fillet. We also part cooked
(steamed) some fresh broccoli.
We boiled a couple of nests of noodles and drained
them well and let them cool.
In some hot groundnut oil we fried off a green finger
chilli, garlic and ginger.
We then added the pork strips until browned and then removed
them from the wok. We then added in the sliced vegetables.
Once the oyster mushrooms were added to the wok, we added the
broccoli, pork and noodles. We then poured over a sesame and soy
sauce and we tossed it all around to make sure it was heated through.