It seemed like an eternity since Babs and Despinaki had got out
the Paella pan. It is such a great way to use us odd ingredients
in the freezer. We rinsed the paella rice and defrosted our prawns
and mussels. We prepared our other ingredients which were chicken,
broccoli plus stems, onions, chorizo, garlic and scotch bonnet
We browned the chicken in a lightly oiled paella pan then put
it to the side and did the same with the chorizo.
We then added the onions, garlic and chilli to the pan and softened
then added the chopped broccoli stems with a teaspoon of smoked
paprika and mixed until all coated.
We then added our rice and mixed until coated, then we added
out other ingredients broccoli florets, diced chicken breast and
chorizo slices.
We then added a pint of chicken stock and saffron liquid, seasoned
and brought to the boil.
We let this simmer for approx 25 mins until all the liquid was
absorbed then added our prawns and mussels to heat through.