Black Pudding
& Chorizo Ravioli
This is an
easy starter full of flavour. We chopped up a piece of chorizo
and a whole finger chilli. In a dry pan we cooked off two slices
of black pudding (crumbled). We added the chorizo and chilli and
cooked for a couple of minutes.
We needed to let the mixture cool, so Despinaki got busy rolling
out some of our homemade pasta. We cut the pasta into the largest
discs from our cutters. When the mixture was cool we spooned some
onto half of the pasta discs.
With a little water on the edges we were able to seal the ravioli
and ensure we got as much of the filling in as possible. We had
a small piece of chorizo left over which we sliced and fried until
We boiled the ravioli in salted water for about 8 minutes before
draining and serving with a few chorizo slices, a drizzle of chilli
oil and sprinkle of parmesan cheese. They tasted great, full of
lovely flavours.